In order to help my patients determine what life factors might be contributing to their health conditions, I developed a diagnostic and treatment wellness model I call the “Whole Health Cairn” based on the findings of my research, which incorporates not just how the mind can heal or harm the body, but also physical, emotional, and environmental health factors that contribute to whole health. (I debuted the Whole Health Cairn in a popular TEDx talk I gave in 2011 called “The Shocking Truth About Your Health.”
In my medical training, I had been introduced to several wellness models—pie charts and pyramids that talked about nutrition, exercise, social health, mental health, and so forth. Most of the models included the body as the foundation upon which everything else in life builds. But something had always struck me as “off” about these models.
Not only did I question whether the body was the foundation upon which everything else builds; I also didn’t resonate with being able to take out pieces of wellness, like you’d cut out a slice of pie. I envisioned something more intertwined, where all aspects of health were interrelated, and the body was the sum total of the balance of all aspects of a wholly healthy life.
The vision for a new wellness model first came to me while I was hiking on a coastal trail in my beloved Northern California home.
As an artist, I’ve always loved “cairns”—those stacks of balanced stones you see adorning beaches and marking hiking trails and sacred landmarks. I love the Zen of them, but most importantly, the simultaneous strength and fragility of them. A well-built cairn can withstand the crashing of the waves upon it, yet if you move one stone too far out of balance, the whole thing topples. All stones depend upon the others for stability.
Like a cairn, the body is awe-inspiringly strong and resilient, and at the same time, fragile and easy to tip out of balance. If whole health is a stack of balanced stones, the body is the stone on top, the most precarious, the most likely to tumble if other stones are out of balance. And as I learned on my own self
healing journey, the foundation stone, the one upon which everything else builds, is your “Inner Pilot Light,” your built in healer, that inner knowing, the intuitive wisdom of your body and soul that knows what’s true for you and guides you, in your own unique way, back to better health.
Atop the Inner Pilot Light lie all the other contributing factors that affect health—relationships, work/life purpose, creativity, spirituality, sexuality, finances, mental health, and the environment. The very top of the Whole Health Cairn is where your body’s physical health rests. The Whole Health Cairn is surrounded by the “Healing Bubble,” of love, gratitude, service, and pleasure—the glue I believe holds everything in balance. Love and compassion, not just from loving family, friends and health-care providers, but especially for yourself, are tantamount when you’re embarking upon a self-healing journey. Love opens your heart, trumps fear, and paves the way for healing in all aspects of your life.