We tend to think of our personalities as fixed and immutable, but we're more like sand dunes than skyscrapers, and this past year was a mighty wind.
What that means is that the "you" who went into quarantine in 2020 is likely to be vastly different than the "you" who emerges when that time comes. While we may have certain susceptibilities based on genetics, most of what we think of as our "personality" is the result of social conditioning, the way we were parented, the impact of developmental and situational traumas, and the culture in which we were raised.
Because personality is more sand dune than skyscraper, this also means that any time we experience a new trauma, any time the culture radically changes, or any time we experience a major life transformation, our personality changes.
It's also true that any time we heal trauma, we reclaim soul fragments, becoming more whole, and wholeness fundamentally alters us in ways that might make us unrecognizable to those who trauma bonded with us before we healed.