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Going Rogue
Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 • 12:00 to 1:30pm PST
Mavericks of Medicine & Wellness Throw Down On When To Rebel, When To Comply, & When To Trust Your Intuition
Free Class Starts In:
10 ways we’ve gone rogue against the medical establishment, the wellness industry, our spiritual communities, and the culinary mainstream. 
A psychiatrist, a gynecologist, an artist, and a chef all walk into a bar…

We’ll let you make up your own punchline! But in all seriousness, let’s talk about four authors, two doctors, three artists, the founder of Intentional Creativity, and a gourmet chef and herbalist going rogue.

Join us for this free class with Dr. Lissa Rankin, Dr. Jeff Rediger, Shiloh Sophia, and Jonathan McCloud unpacking where medicine misses the boat. wheer the wellness industry can lead you astray and how creativity and art can help you heal.
Dr. Jeffrey Rediger
*When Jeffrey Rediger, MD, MDiv, medical director at Harvard’s McLean Hospital, published the findings of his twenty years worth of research into spontaneous healing for his book CURED, he was playfully accused by his colleagues and superiors of “going rogue” because he dared to ask “Why?” 

Why were these Olympians of Healing getting cured when conventional medicine didn’t know how to help them?  

Dr. Lissa Rankin
When Lissa Rankin, MD broke away from “The Northwestern Way,” quit her job as a doctor because of “moral injury,” embarked upon the study of spontaneous remission survivors, and published MInd Over Medicine, her former hospital administrator said “another one bites the dust.”
Because doctors are supposed to view spontaneous remissions as flukes- accidental statistical outliers, rather than something we might be able to reproduce by studying what those “health outliers” did to wind up cured from diseases believed to be chronic, incurable, or even terminal diseases.

Shiloh Sophia
When Shiloh Sophia left a prestigious art school in San Francisco because the establishment was squelching her creativity and her integrity demanded it, she rebelled against the way art is taught, how authentic creativity is squandered, and how perfectionism cuts people off from the very muse that heals them. She’s been rallying rogue artists, healers, and mavericks ever since.
Jonathan McCloud
When Jonathan McCloud quit jumping out of helicopters as a medic with the military, started cooking with Charlie Trotter, and wound up creating food, herbs, and teas as medicine, he also went rogue by insisting on making health food delicious while refusing to follow the standard Western diet. He knows food is medicine and is using it to guide others towards healing.
When it comes to medicine, wellness, spirituality, art, and nutrition, the four of us mavericks have a lot of rebel wisdom we feel called to share! None of us rebels turn our backs on the life-saving interventions conventional medicine can offer. We don’t promote natural medicine over modern science. And we don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to our attempt to root out oppressive belief systems from our spiritual lives. 

But we also don’t tow the party line when it comes to keeping quiet about the science of spontaneous healing, the life-changing impact of a trauma-informed approach to medicine and psychiatry, the dangers of spiritual bypassing, why it doesn’t work to skip healing your trauma, and why food really can be either medicine or poison. We refer to some of our work as trauma-inspired, because truly we are inspired to share our stories with you.

We invite you to join us for this free class unpacking 10 ways we’ve gone rogue against the medical establishment, the wellness industry, our spiritual communities, and the culinary mainstream AND what you can do to tune into your own intuition. 
In this class we'll cover ...
  • One scientific lynchpin underlying almost every disease that you probably don’t know about, 
  • The physiological underpinnings of how your spirituality could be making you sick,
  • ​Exactly how one common food substance does more damage than many other things you love to eat that you can go on enjoying,
  • ​One health intervention your doctor has probably never mentioned but lies at the root of what many “Olympians of Healing” attribute as a core reason for their cure,
  • ​The common factor Dr. Rediger is discovering in psychiatry patients that shifts the locus of responsibility for mental illness from the patient to the real problem,
  • ​A revolutionary healing technique that takes mere minutes, which can be used to help you access the answers you need when you’re confused about what direction to take towards your health and well-beingyour health.
This is for you if ...
  • You’re curious why some people experience mysterious cures from allegedly “incurable” illnesses while others stay sick or even die,
  • ​You’re wondering whether there’s more you might do to optimize your body’s health, your mental health, or the health of your patients, clients, or loved ones,
  • ​You sense there’s more to optimal health than the reductionist medical model promoted by conventional medicine, but you don't want to stray into the ungrounded magical thinking of the wellness industry,
  • ​You’re interested in whether there are proactive things we can do to set up the conditions for healing that increase the chances for improved health outcomes,
  • ​You’re a patient, health care provider, caregiver of someone ill, or a student of what really makes people sick and what really helps them become “Olympians of Healing”,
  • ​A revolutionary healing technique that takes mere minutes, which can be used to help you access the answers you need when you’re confused about what direction to take towards your health and well-being.