Spiritual Bypassing 
Recovery 2.0 

with Lissa Rankin,MD & Guests

Love Bigger With Trauma-Informed, Non-Oppressive, Anti-Racist Spirituality 

Have you been using your spirituality as a way to avoid conflict, protect yourself from abuse, hold perpetrators of abuse accountable, and avoid taking a firm stand against oppression of yourself and others?


A live recorded online workshop

  • Interactive live presentations
  • Informative live interviews
  • ​Supportive trauma-informed community
  • ​A journey to loving more deeply, intimately, and justly


Resmaa Menakem





  • Understanding what spiritual bypassing is and learning how to stop using your spirituality as a way to let abusive individuals off the hook
  • Learning the red flags to spot in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from narcissistic, sociopathic, cultic spiritual leaders
  • ​Liberating yourself from belief systems that interfere with your capacity for intimacy- with yourself, with other people, with nature and the planet
  • Gaining insight into how New Age and religious belief systems can actually oppress and harm people in marginalized groups 
  • Understanding Internal Family Systems (IFS) as an antidote to spiritual bypassing and as a spiritual path you might choose to follow
  • ​Finding the middle path between spiritual bypassing and cynical skepticism, opening space for the sacred in your life
  • ​Finding the baby in the bathwater - What do we keep from our spiritual teachings? What do we let go of? 
  • Learning how to practice critical thinking, healthy skepticism, reality checking, social justice conscious ethics, and good boundaries
  • Cultivating the gifts of all your emotions, especially healthy anger
  • ​Healing trauma as a path to your natural spirituality
  • ​Cultivating the sacred systems of meaning in a grounded, non-bypassing manner
  • ​Staying open to the mystery (without magical thinking) 

Students will also receive a PDF edition of Lissa's new, not yet published book:

DEI disclaimer: This program is primarily designed for "spiritual white people" who are unraveling spiritual bypassing and working on becoming more actively anti-oppressive in their spirituality. Anyone interested in this topic is welcome to join us, but the content may be less relevant for BIPOC and others who may have felt insulted enough by common New Age and religious teachings to steer clear of them.

  • Empower yourself with the psycho-education you'll need to protect yourself from narcissistic spiritual teachers; 
  • Learn more about Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a practice for compassionately loving and comforting “parts” of you that may be afraid of getting flooded with painful feelings so you can be more in touch with your true Divine Self;
  • ​Learn what is meant by “spiritual bypassing” and examine whether you may have been practicing it in your spirituality, relationships, or work as a way to protect yourself from painful feelings or avoid conflict;
  • Find a loving community of open-hearted, empathic, non-demonizing, trauma-informed spiritual seekers who will welcome you gently with tender acceptance as a spiritual bypasser in recovery (because they are too!) Especially if you’re defecting from the New Age, you’ll need a safe “off ramp”;
  • Learn how to avoid the tendency to shame, criticize, or judge your spiritual bypassing parts harshly (Once you understand why you may have done this, you’ll love this part so tenderly and help it relax so you can feel and ground and integrate intense emotions safely within the wholeness of your own heart.); 
  • Become more trauma-informed and embodied so you can hone your discernment and recognize more integrated, anti-oppressive teachings;); 
  • ​Question New Age Beliefs we may need to unpack if we want to be active social justice allies;
  • ​Understand why spiritual bypassing may be just a phase of spiritual development that you outgrow when you’re ready, like a second puberty.
  • ​Become more trauma-informed and embodied so you can hone your discernment and recognize more integrated, anti-oppressive teachings;
  • ​​Question New Age Beliefs we may need to unpack if we want to be active social justice allies;
  • ​​Understand why spiritual bypassing may be just a phase of spiritual development that you outgrow when you’re ready, like a second puberty.

“And the day came 
when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
- Anaïs Nin

  • Unpack, debunk, and examine many unhelpful, confusing spiritual bypass teachings about fear, shame, anger, jealousy, anxiety, and other valuable and necessary human emotions; 
  • ​​Understand how your spirituality might have inadvertently allowed others to cross your boundaries (and you to cross the boundaries of others and yourself)
Credit: Milagros Suriano-Rivera.      
  • ​​Get to know the parts of you that feel painful emotions (like fear and rage) so you can understand how they think they’re trying to protect you, help them heal, and use them to participate in sacred activism;
  • ​​Lovingly and gently wrestle with any uncomfortable emotions that arise when you feel into any disillusionment, confusion, betrayal, or sadness you may feel because you have lost trust in long-beloved New Age leaders who have practiced and taught spiritual bypassing or have been co-opted by right wing “conspirituality”;
  • ​Compassionately self-examine how you or your teachers (Lissa included) may have been subtly promoting systemic racism with spiritual bypassing teachings, white silence or inadvertently harming marginalized communities by parroting New Age beliefs that lack subtlety, nuance, and empathy;
  • ​​Discover a fully embodied, emotionally intelligent spiritual path that does not bypass, demonize, transcend or reject any natural human emotion;
  • ​Commune with others who are healing scared or angry parts and finding badass courage on the other side of the healing process.

“Fear is not a demon to be slayed;
it’s a child to be loved.”
- Lissa Rankin, MD

  • You feel lost after the spiritual smack down of 2020 left you questioning everything you thought you believed;
  • You lost many of your trusted teachers and communities to conspiracy theories and right wing propaganda; 
  • ​You are spiritually inclined, but you’re sick and tired of “spiritual” people who lack empathy or use spirituality as a tool for oppression of self and others;
  • ​​You care about updating your spirituality to include ethics around anti-oppressive beliefs and behaviors;
  • ​You don’t want to have to choose between the cynical skeptics who scoff at spiritual mysteries and the spiritually bypassing spiritual practitioners who lack empathy.

“Courage is not about being fearless; 
it’s about letting fear transform you so you 
come into right relationship with uncertainty."
- Lissa Rankin, MD


SIX 2-hour Zoom Workshops

Each 2-hour Zoom workshop recording will offer cutting edge trauma healing tools, spiritual practices, and creative tools, including Internal Family Systems (IFS) meditations, to help you get to know your spiritual bypassing parts as “protector parts” that think they’ve been helping you. (No need to demonize these parts!)
REMEMBER: If You Have Been Spiritual Bypassing & Now You Want To Grow Beyond It, You Are In Recovery. And You Will Need Help. If You Can Afford A One-on-One IFS Therapist, We Recommend Getting One. If Not, We Hope This Less Expensive Program Option Will Help You Heal.
I am excited that my friend Shiloh Sophia is going to be joining us for each session. She's one of my closest allies on this topic and we've been exploring it together for over 10 years. Shiloh is going to be joining us in each of our conversations to bring the process of Intentional Creativity to the conversation.
Session One
With Lissa Rankin
What Is Trauma-Informed Spirituality Without Bypassing? 
Session Two
With Lissa Rankin & Jeffrey Rediger
The Mental Health Implications Of Spiritual Bypassing
Session Three
With Lissa Rankin & Shiloh Sophia
Without Patriarchy
Session Four
With Lissa Rankin & Rachel Abrams
Creating Spiritual Systems Of Meaning
Session Five
With Lissa Rankin & Resmaa Menakem
Examining Spirituality Through the Lens of Privilege & Oppression
Session Six
With Lissa Rankin & Anasuya Godis
Blossoming From “Self” & Letting Go Of Spiritual Perfectionism 
* Please note that content and guest appearances in our live calls are subject to change without notice for reasons beyond our control or in the interest of the process and/or participants.


LIVE RECORDED 60-minute Interview with 
Lissa Rankin and Steve Hassan

Steven Hassan

Steven Hassan, PhD is a mental health professional and expert in undue influence tactics used by authoritarian leaders and destructive cults. His expertise includes harmful influence in cases of destructive religious and political cults, human trafficking, extremist and terrorist groups, one-on-one relationships, families, parental alienation, mini-cults, therapy and self-improvement groups, professional and institutional abuse, corporate and multi-level marketing programs, and harmful belief systems. He is the author of four books. 


7 LIVE RECORDED 60-minute Spiritual Bypassing Recovery 101 Classes with Lissa and Faculty 

Portrait Image of Kelli Rankin

Keli Rankin

Dr. Carol Penn

Karla McLaren

Rebekah Borucki

Portrait image of Dick Schwartz

Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.

Shiloh Sophia

Tosha Silver

Thomas Hübl



The now complete but unpublished PDF edition of Lissa's new book ...

... "When we are spiritually bypassing, we often use the goal of awakening or liberation to rationalize what I call premature transcendence: trying to rise above the raw and messy side of our humanness before we have fully faced and made peace with it."

Cover image of the manuscript of Love Bigger





If the cost of this workshop presents a financial hardship, we hope you will contact us for a sliding scale option. Please write to support@lissarankin.com 
Please Review Our Terms HERE

If  the cost of this program presents a financial hardship then we hope you will contact us for a sliding scale option. Please write to support@lissarankin.com 


This course is a fundraiser for Lissa’s non-profit trauma healing and health equity work HEAL AT LAST

The HEAL AT LAST mission is to utilize creativity to bring people in recovery from illness, injury, or trauma together in circles of healing, spirituality, writing, art, music, and connection for the purposes of easing loneliness, healing trauma, and improving physical and mental health outcomes, particularly for people who conventional medicine has been unable to cure. 

Using creativity and music as a portal to cutting edge trauma healing methods and spiritual healing, we empower individuals and communities of healing who are ready for the deep dive of treating the root causes of personal and collective suffering. Although cutting edge healing techniques have become a luxury good in modern cultures, we believe healing and transformation is everyone’s birthright and should not be limited to people of privilege. 

Heal At Last is committed to bringing creative inspiration, trauma healing, soulful intimacy and community connection, and deep healing work to anyone who is emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually ready for meaningful transformation, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, sexual preference, gender identity, political affiliation, or religion. 

Your tuition will help us prepare to train the first group of HEAL AT LAST group leader trauma therapists so we can get our vision off the ground.

about lissa

Portrait image of Dr. Lissa Rankin
After many years of committed spiritual practice, Lissa Rankin, MD was a devoted spiritual bypasser until she got her ass kicked by several really good teachers who called her out on her neurotically tolerant “compassion (which was not self-compassionate) her anger phobia, herpremature forgiveness (which failed to hold perpetrators to account,) and her “conflict avoidance in holy drag.” 

Her shame and grief might have flooded her in the wake of this shocking awareness had she not been introduced to the Internal Family Systems (IFS) trauma healing model, which helped her understand that her spiritual bypassing part was just a part that was trying to protect her from feeling the agony of the developmental trauma she endured in early childhood. 

This realization began her journey of five years of weekly trauma healing therapy so she could heal the parts the spiritual bypasser was protecting and allow her true divine Self (what Lissa calls her “Inner Pilot Light”) to take the lead in her life, which is a humbling and ongoing journey.
Lissa is a conventionally trained OB/GYN physician who gave up clinical practice in 2010 to teach and write full time.

She has published 7 books, including the New York Times bestseller Mind Over Medicine and her latest book, Sacred Medicine, which talks extensively about the spiritual bypassing tendencies in the world of New Age spirituality and energy healing, while ferreting out spiritual and trauma healing practices that actually help.

Lissa has starred in two National Public Television specials, her TEDx talks have been viewed over 5 million times, and she leads workshops, both online and at retreat centers like Esalen, 1440, Omega, and Kripalu.

Lissa lives bi-coastally, part time in the San Francisco Bay Area with her daughter Mira, her housemate April, and her puppy Gaia and part time in Boston with her partner Jeffrey Rediger

Lissa also founded the Whole Health Medicine Institute, where she and a team of luminary faculty train physicians and other health care providers about “Whole Health,” the “6 Steps to Healing Yourself,” and the importance of healing trauma as a necessary adjunct to any conventional medical treatment in patients with chronic or life-threatening illness.
Lissa has starred in two National Public Television specials, her TEDx talks have been viewed over 5 million times, and she leads workshops, both online and at retreat centers like Esalen, 1440, Omega, and Kripalu.

Her latest project is Heal At Last, a non-profit project committed to addressing the health equity issues around cutting edge trauma healing and trauma-informed medicine, which is often a luxury good not available to those who need it most. 
Lissa lives bi-coastally, part time in the San Francisco Bay Area with her daughter Mira, her housemate April, and her puppy Gaia and part time in Boston with her partner Jeffrey Rediger.


How do I contact customer service?
Please contact us by sending an email to support@lissarankin.com
What kind of technology will I need in order to participate?
In order to participate in this course, you will need to:
a. Access Zoom for the live calls and 
b. Access our learning platform through a web browser like Chrome or Safari. Teachable is a platform that hosts all the material for the course, including class recordings. 

You will need a good connection to the internet. You can use a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone.
Do you offer stipends or adjustments?
We believe that money should not be an obstacle to healing. If you currently do not have the means please write to support@lissarankin.com
I can't make some or any of the live calls
Many participants do not come to the live calls for many reasons ranging from time zones to work schedules or emergencies. For some its simply a choice. All classes are recorded and made available together with any material indefinitely on our teaching site.  Chose what is best for you. You will not miss out on any content.
I am visually impaired
A person who is visually impaired will be able to navigate our content using a reader and other common navigational tools. We do not rely on slides or other visual representations.
Screenshot of Lissa Rankin teaching in a video
Where can I access the recorded calls?
Once you have signed up you will log in to our learning platform where you will find all recordings and material. It takes time to provide the content after a call. Usually we will post within 24 hours. You will have access to everything for the indefinite future.
Can you call me?
We are not resourced to make calls to individuals. You can reach us by email at support@lissarankin.com.
I don't have Facebook!
If there is an associated private Facebook group, we recommend you join. It is optional but not critical for the course so don't worry if you don't have Facebook.
Can I cancel?
Once you make a payment it triggers a series of events and expenses on our side from payment processing costs to adding you to lists and platforms. If you cancel, we cannot recoup those costs and will have to pass them on to you. Please read our terms carefully before you make a purchase. Terms
© 2024 Lissa Rankin INC ·  All Rights Reserved