Do you feel called to make a difference in a world that needs your vision, ideas, and love- but find yourself stuck between your vision and its reality?
Do you feel conflicted in your decision-making, stuck between polarized parts inside that can't resolve their inner battles?
Are you longing for a way to move beyond helplessness, hopelessness, and powerlessness to do what you can, love how you know best, and contribute your activism to a world in need of your love- without collapsing?
You're not alone.
The world is changing and the future is uncertain and scary, but times of uncertainty can also be potent times for transformation, especially when we have the right guidance and support. Many of us would prefer not to face the darkness, meanness, and rise in authoritarianism our world is facing. It's activating for parts that have been overpowered in the past. But that doesn't mean we should collapse into despair, give up our vision of a more just world, or put our creative parts into exile.
These are alchemical times, times to use your creativity, flexibility, and gumption to turn shit into gold and transform yourself and impact others in the process.
Your love, your gifts, and your visionary ideas and businesses are needed, now more than ever. Focusing your attention on fulfilling your calling and living out your life's purpose can help counteract feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair, potentially improving your mental and physical health.
We creatives, entrepreneurs, activists, healers, therapists, writers, poets, spiritual leaders, and visionaries are dangerous. There's a good reason oppressors ban our books, destroy our artwork, blacklist our songs, prevent access to our healing gifts, and try to limit our self-expression!