Recorded Online Workshop

Spiritual Bypassing Recovery 101 

Are you ready to start living your authentic life?

Join Lissa Rankin, MD for a transformative workshop series featuring:
  • Interactive presentations
  • Informative interviews
  • ​A journey to freedom and healing
In this workshop, you will engage in a trauma-informed, embodied practices that will guide you in:
  • Cultivating the gifts of all your emotions
  • Healing psychologically
  • Developing spiritually in apocalyptic times.

Students will also receive an online edition of Lissa's new book: 
LOVE BIGGER: An Exploration of Spirituality Beyond Spiritual Bypassing

Take This Program Anytime At Your Convenience.

“Courage is not about being fearless; 
it’s about letting fear transform you so you 
come into right relationship with uncertainty."
- Lissa Rankin, MD

This Program Is For You If

  • You are spiritually inclined, but you’re sick and tired of “spiritual” people who lack empathy when they tell you to “choose love” when you admit to vulnerable emotions like fear or express the heat and passion of anger;
  • ​You need a non-spiritual bypassing practice to help you navigate legitimate fears that activate old traumas;  
  • ​You know fear sometimes keeps you from living your truest life, but you’re not sure how to get beyond it in a self-loving way; Uncertainty and feeling out of control makes you feel scared, helpless, and vulnerable but you’re ready to do your work to truly heal;
  • ​You want to be braver, calmer, most empathic, and more embodied, but you’re not sure how to do so without bullying yourself or faking it .

In This Workshop You Will

  • Learn what is meant by “spiritual bypassing” and examine whether you may have been practicing it in your spirituality, relationships, or work as a way to protect yourself from painful feelings or avoid conflict;
  • ​Find a loving community of open-hearted, empathic, non-demonizing, trauma-informed spiritual seekers who will welcome you gently with tender acceptance as a spiritual bypasser in recovery (because they are too!) Especially if you’re defecting from the New Age, you’ll need a safe “off ramp”;
  • ​Practitioners, learn how to avoid the tendency to shame, criticize, or judge your spiritual bypassing parts harshly (Once you understand why you may have done this, you’ll love this part so tenderly and help it relax so you can feel and ground and integrate intense emotions safely within the wholeness of your own heart.); 
  • ​Become more trauma-informed and embodied so you can hone your discernment and recognize more integrated teachings that include as part of any wellness practice or spiritual teaching a more complete spirituality that includes trauma healing, scientific discernment, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, embodiment, and intuition;  
  • ​Question 22 New Age Beliefs we may need to unpack if we want to be social justice allies;
  • ​Understand why spiritual bypassing is just a phase of spiritual development that you outgrow when you’re ready, like a second puberty;

“And the day came 
when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
- Anaïs Nin

In This Workshop We Will

  • Unpack, debunk, and examine many unhelpful, confusing spiritual bypass teachings about fear, shame, anger, jealousy, anxiety, and other valuable and necessary human emotions; 
  • ​Lovingly and gently wrestle with any uncomfortable emotions that arise when you feel into any disillusionment, confusion, betrayal, or sadness you may feel because you have lost trust in long-beloved New Age leaders who have practiced and taught spiritual bypassing or have been co-opted by right wing “conspirituality”; 
  • ​Compassionately self-examine how you or your teachers (Lissa included) may have been subtly promoting systemic racism with spiritual bypassing teachings, white silence or inadvertently harming marginalized communities by parroting New Age beliefs that lack subtlety, nuance, and empathy;
  • ​Learn how to tell the difference between true and present danger and fear leftover from past hurts;  
  • ​Get to know the parts of you that feel painful emotions (like fear and rage) so you can understand how they think they’re trying to protect you, help them heal, and use them to participate in sacred activism;
  • ​Discover a fully embodied, emotionally intelligent spiritual path that does not bypass, demonize, transcend or reject any natural human emotion;
  • ​Learn more about Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a practice for compassionately loving and comforting “parts” of you that may be afraid of getting flooded with painful feelings so you can be more in touch with your true Divine Self;
  • ​Commune with others who are healing scared or angry parts and finding badass courage on the other side of the healing process. 

“Fear is not a demon to be slayed;
it’s a child to be loved.”
- Lissa Rankin, MD

Program Content

Four 2-hour Recorded Workshops with Lissa Rankin, MD

Each 2-hour recorded Zoom workshop offers cutting edge trauma healing tools, spiritual practices, and creative tools, including Internal Family Systems (IFS) meditations, to help you get to know your spiritual bypassing parts as “protector parts” that think they’ve been helping you. (No need to demonize these parts! 

We cannot love on our protector parts enough! Once we heal the “exiled” parts that they protect, they can relax and let us feel without getting flooded or overwhelmed.)

Address fears, anger, helplessness, worthlessness, and other legitimate emotions that may be evoked by relevant current events, such as the US presidential transfer of power, Covid-19 pandemic, climate crisis, Black Lives Matter, economic collapse, losing a cherished teacher or loved one to conspiracy theories, exaggerated polarization between loved ones, and collapsing systems that leave us feeling scared and uncertain.

Music, dancing, and writing will also be used to make the healing process as gentle as possible.

REMEMBER: If You Have Been Spiritual Bypassing & Now You Want To Grow Beyond It, You Are In Recovery. And You Will Need Help. If You Can Afford A One-on-One IFS Therapist, We Recommend Getting One. If Not, We Hope This Less Expensive Group Option Will Help You Heal.

7 LIVE RECORDED 60-minute Classes 
with Lissa and Preeminent Faculty 

Keli Rankin

Dr. Carol Penn

Karla McLaren

Rebekah Borucki

Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.

Shiloh Sophia

Tosha Silver

Thomas Hübl


The Spiritual Bypassing Recovery Program Summary

only $97
If the cost of this program presents a financial hardship then we hope you will contact us for other options. 
Please write to 



Join this interactive online workshop. Limited special offer $397.
Starting in
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

If  the cost of this program presents a financial hardship then we hope you will contact us for a sliding scale option. Please write to 

about lissa

After many years of committed spiritual practice, Lissa Rankin, MD was a devoted spiritual bypasser until she got her ass kicked by several really good teachers who called her out on her “blind compassion,” “neurotic tolerance,” “anger phobia,” “premature forgiveness,” and “conflict avoidance in holy drag.” 

Her shame and grief might have flooded her in the wake of this shocking awareness were it not in that moment that she met family therapist Richard Schwartz, PhD and the Internal Family Systems (IFS) trauma healing model he developed, which helped her understand that her spiritual bypassing part was just a part that was trying to protect her from feeling the agony of the developmental trauma she endured in early childhood. 

This realization began her journey of three years of weekly trauma healing therapy so she could heal the parts the spiritual bypasser was protecting and allow her true divine Self (what Lissa calls her “Inner Pilot Light”) to take the lead in her life, which is a humbling and ongoing journey.
Lissa is a conventionally trained OB/GYN physician who gave up clinical practice in 2010 to teach and write full time. 
She has published 6 books, with the 7th and 8th on the way. Her third book, the New York Times bestseller Mind Over Medicine, has sold over 300,000 copies in 28 languages and was just revised to attempt to weed out any spiritual bypassing that might have been hidden because of Lissa’s own blind spots.  

Lissa also founded the Whole Health Medicine Institute, where she and a team of luminary faculty train physicians and other health care providers about “Whole Health,” the “6 Steps to Healing Yourself,” and the importance of healing trauma as a necessary adjunct to any conventional medical treatment in patients with chronic or life-threatening illness.
Lissa has starred in two National Public Television specials, her TEDx talks have been viewed over 4 million times, and she leads workshops, both online and at retreat centers like Esalen, 1440, Omega, and Kripalu.

Her latest project is Heal At Last, a non-profit project committed to democratizing IFS trauma healing, non-bypassing spiritual teaching, and grounded energy work while eliminating the public health epidemic of loneliness, bringing Sacred Medicine out of its current status as a luxury good to anyone who needs it and is open to it, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or gender identity.
Lissa lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her daughter Siena, her housemates Steve and April, and her puppy Gaia.


Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I contact customer service?
Please contact us by sending an email to
What kind of technology will I need in order to participate?
All you’ll need is a computer or a smartphone and internet access in order to participate.
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